Atlanta Academy of Institutional Pharmacy
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Article 1: Membership

Section 1. Classes of Members: There shall be two classes of membership in the Academy designated as follows with the rights, powers, and privileges set forth next to their respective class designations:

a) Licensed Members: Licensed members shall consist of pharmacists licensed in the United States of America. Licensed members are entitled to hold office and to vote in officer elections.

b) Associate Members: Associate members shall consist of non-licensed pharmacists, pharmacists licensed in other countries, certified pharmacy technicians, pharmacy students, pharmaceutical representatives and other individuals working in the healthcare industry who have an active interest in institutional pharmacy. Associate members may not hold office or vote in officer elections except in the case of the [appointed] pharmacy student members of the Board.

Section 2. Period of Membership:

a) Dues: The period of membership shall be from January 1 to December 31 of each year with dues payable in advance for all members. Dues for all members shall be set forth by the Board of Directors.

b) Dues in Arrears: Any member in arrears for dues on March 15 shall cease to be a member of the Academy. Such a person may be reinstated as a member provided his/her payment of current membership dues is made.

Section 3. Quorum: Ten percent (10%) of members entitled to vote must be represented in person in order to constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Academy.

Article II: Officers

Section 1. Nomination, Election, Counting of Ballots, Installation of Officers: A nominating committee of at least three licensed members shall be appointed by the President prior to, or at the first meeting of each calendar year. This committee shall announce the candidates for the President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Secretary of Continuing Education positions at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor.

A mail ballot will be prepared by the Secretary and sent to all licensed members. All returned ballots must be post marked no later than thirty (30) days after the dating on the ballot to be eligible for counting. A majority of such votes shall constitute an election. 

The newly elected officers shall be installed at the Awards Banquet meeting in May. The Nominating Committee shall supervise the preparation, mailing and counting of ballots. 

Section 2. Duties and Powers of Officers: 

a) President: The President or, in his/her absence, the President-Elect shall preside at all meetings. He/she shall appoint all committees and shall be an ex officio member of each. 

b) President-Elect: The President-Elect shall perform all duties of the President whenever the President shall be unable to do so. The President-Elect shall also serve as chairperson of the Nominating Committee. 

c) Secretary: The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and receive and prepare all correspondence of the Academy. 

d) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and keep account of all remittances and shall disburse them at the direction of the Board of Directors. Checks for payment shall require the signature of the Treasurer. All pertinent membership information will be promptly forwarded to the Secretary. 

e) Secretary of Continuing Education (CE): The Secretary of CE shall maintain a roster of attendance at all meetings, issue CE certificates, and shall forward copies of all CE programs to the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education. He/she shall also maintain his/her own certification as required by ACPE. 

The Secretary of CE, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for the programs of all regular educational meetings of the Academy, providing educational subjects for presentation and discussion. 

Section 3. Vacancies:

a) Authority is granted to the President to appoint a member to fill any vacant office for an unexpired term, with the exception of the President-Elect.

b) To fill a vacancy for President-Elect after the annual election, the Board of Directors shall serve as a nominating committee and a special election will be held as defined in Article II, Section 1 of the By-Laws.

Article III: Charges of Board of Directors

Section 1. Board Member Appointments:

The Chairman of the Board shall appoint two (voting) Board Members annually:

a) One from the licensed membership. The term of this appointed Board Member shall be two years.

b) One from the Associate Membership who is currently a first through 3rd year pharmacy student, in good standing, at an accredited Georgia College of Pharmacy. The term of this appointed Board Member shall be two years.

Section 2. Vacancies: If the office of such an appointed Board Member shall become vacant, such office may be filled by the Board of Directors until the next annual appointment.

Section 3. Officers:

a) The Past-President shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

b) The Secretary shall serve as Secretary of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Meeting:

The Board will meet no less than four (4) times per annum. The Board will meet at the call of the Chairman of the Board or the President. The President will be responsible for setting the agenda under the approval of the Chairman.

Section 5. Quorum:

A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

Section 6. Responsibilities:

The Board of Directors shall have charge of the property of the Academy and shall have authority to control and manage the affairs and funds of the Academy, to supervise all publications of the Academy, and to select editors for the Academy publications; to make ultimate decisions regarding the acts of committees and officers on professional and administrative matters; to accept on behalf of the Academy grants, contributions, gifts, bequests or devices to further the purpose of the Academy; and to perform all acts and functions not inconsistent with these By-Laws.

Article IV: Committees

The President shall appoint chairpersons and members to the following standing committees as he/she feels are required:

Section 1. Audit Committee:

The Audit Committee shall consist of two licensed members of the Academy, one of whom shall make an annual audit of the finances of the Academy and report at the first meeting after the installation of officers.

Section 2. Membership Committee: 

The Membership Committee shall be responsible for the encouragement of Academy membership. The President-Elect shall serve as chairperson.

Section 3. Nominating Committee:

The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President-Elect and two other licensed members of the Academy. The President-Elect shall chair this committee and appoint the two other committee members, whose duty it shall be to nominate the candidates for offices as outlined in Article II, Section 1 of these By-Laws.

Section 4. Publicity and Liaison Committee:

This committee shall consist of the Board of Directors and other members as appointed by the President. This committee shall be responsible for informing the Academy membership about other pharmacy organizations and also to inform these groups of the activities of the Academy, and when necessary, to inform the media.

Section 5. Legislative Alert Committee:

This committee shall consist of the Board of Directors and other members as appointed by the President. The President will serve as chairperson. The duties are to assist the GSHP and ASHP in their legislative efforts and to keep the Academy informed of pertinent legislation.

Section 6. Publications Committee:

This committee is responsible for the writing and publication of the Academy newsletter.

Section 7. Pharmacist of the Year Committee:

The membership shall submit nominees for the AAIP Pharmacist of the Year award to a committee composed of the past five winners of the Pharmacist of the Year award. After review by the Committee, two names will be selected for the ballot to be voted upon by the membership. Candidates must be licensed members of the Academy.

Section 8. Other Ad-hoc Committees:

The chairperson and members of other Ad-hoc committees shall be appointed by the President.

Article V: Order of Business

The business of stated or adjourned meetings shall proceed in the following order:

1. Call to order
2. Ascertain if quorum is present
3. Read and adopt minutes
4. Committee reports
5. Unfinished business
6. New business
7. Adjournment

Article VI: Amendments

Every proposition to alter or amend these By-Laws shall be submitted by any licensed member at any regular Board of Directors meeting of the Academy, as set forth in Article VI of the Constitution.

Article VII: Rules of Order

Robert's Rules of Order (revised) shall govern the Academy in all cases in which they are applicable and not inconsistent with these By-Laws.

Article VIII: Adoption

These By-Laws, together with the Appended Constitution, shall be adopted by a majority vote and shall replace any previous By-Laws or Constitution

APPROVED: by the Board of Directors on 10/28/82
Ruth Simpson, Secretary

ADOPTED: by the active Academy members on 5/1/83
Sarah Mullis, President
Ruth Simpson, Secretary

AMENDED: by the active Academy members on 4/15/87
Steve Wilson, President

AMENDED: by the active Academy members on 4/23/93
Sharon Hobby, President
Lee Echols, Secretary

AMENDED: by the active Academy members on 4/19/95
Pam Privette, President
Steve Spillers, Secretary

AMENDED: by the active Academy members on 4/15/96
Pruett Roof, President
Ron Barnes, Secretary

AMENDED: by the active Academy members on 5/7/02
Vickie Andros, President
Becky Johnson, Secretary

AMENDED: by the active Academy members on 5/17/07
Mindi Miller, President
Helen Giannopoulos, Secretary